About Me


The Backstory.

If you’ve read my About Me page you’ll (hopefully) know the purpose for this blog, and know that my sole aim, is to consistently be as honest, open and transparent as possible. And being transparent means starting from the beginning, which is what ‘The Backstory’ will explain.

I’m 23 (and 9 months to be exact), Bath born and raised. I went to University in London for a year, realised the course wasn’t for me, and decided to continue my degree in Bath. Graduating with a BA in Media Comms.

I met my then, boyfriend and shortly after we met, he relocated to New Zealand for a year. Upon his return, we moved to London for 2 years.

Since graduating, I have spent my days working in London within two Marketing Exec roles. April 2018 saw the month I decided to take the plunge, leave the big smoke, and move back to my hometown that is beautiful Bath – and so, The Bath Blogger came to life.

You’ll have heard this 100 times before, if not more, but London is suuuper expensive. Not feeling 100% fulfilled career wise, I decided now was a time as good as any, to give change a bloody good go.

Having spent my post-academic studies working in the marketing sector, I’ve spent all my time online; (reading more online seminars about social media and marketing strategies than you could possibly imagine) but it has always been for someone elses needs.

My initial plan was to work for a small boutique agency as Digital Marketer, but unfortunately, this wasn’t meant for me and after a lot of tears (s/o to a very patient and understanding family), I decided I had to follow my gut instinct and be honest with the company. A handful of very awkward conversations later, I was technically, back to square one – jobless and obviously, starting to panic. But, the relief I felt for following my gut, was unexplainable. I made, quite possibly, the most ‘adultly’ decision I would make for a long time, by myself, and followed it through.

Having always had more than just a passion for fitness, health and wellness, I decided that this would be my goal. And the first step in achieving that goal? Start my blog. So, here I am. Posting for the first time, nerves sky-high, but I’ve honestly, Never. Felt. Better. Granted its week one, but for the first time, I am giving myself the time I need and want to get to where I want to be. So, watch this space. And if you’re going through a similar time or feel the same, I hope we can go through this journey together. Safety in numbers right?

Amy xo.

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