

My About Page gives a brief overview of what you can expect from #TBB and I’m hoping that because you’ve stumbled across the ‘Lifestyle’ segment, you’re here because 1) you’re also a twenty-something-year-old either going through a similar time in your life; 2) have already been through it and have come out the other side, or 3) just want to have a quick read at some of the things I like to ramble on about. If its the latter, you’re in the right place, so welcome!

In all honesty, I’m not 100% sure what this part of my blog will be about. But, I’m hoping that because I’ve titled it Lifestyle, it can be home to all sorts of content. Within this portion of #TBB, you should find, stories about my life, difficulties I have or am facing, life hacks & tips and anything else that inspires me to turn on my laptop, and start typing away.

This blog exists as more than just a hobby; my passion for writing, trying new things, challenging myself whilst also bettering myself, is what I’m really hoping I achieve. I want to keep it fun, quirky and jam-packed with energy and (hopefully) informative and engaging content.

I’m really proud of what I’ve created so far with my little blog, and I really hope what you read brings a different perspective and outlook on things. Its taken me a long time to write and share this because I really open up about some personal topics around health, fitness & (my) mind.

So that’s me. My family & friends are the centre of my world and I’m really learning to love my little life. It’s a pleasure to have you with me on my journey, and if one person is able to relate too what they read, then hopefully I’ve made a difference.

Amy xo.

must-read lifestyle posts


Reading in the time of Coronavirus. No matter what’s going on in the world,…

September 13, 2020


#BOOKSTAGRAM : What I’m Reading in 2020. A 2020-belated intention of mine is to…

March 18, 2020


Intuitive Eating: My Experience. I had my breakfast at 6:45am the other morning which…

May 5, 2019


Why You Need To Read ‘Just Eat It’. In a world where we are…

February 15, 2019

2018: MY TOP 9.

2018: What A Year. I’m almost certain you’ll have seen lots of ‘My Top…

December 29, 2018