Recipes / Sweet


Double Chocolate Almond Protein Cookies.


Let’s be honest, they don’t need much of an introduction or an explanation. They’re just delicious. Even more so when you make them from scratch yourself!

These cookies in particular, are full of delicious and nutritious ingredients such as cocoa powder, ground almonds and of course, Free Soul Chocolate Protein Powder (more on that below!).

I’ve decided to have a little play with the structure of my recipes and after some feedback, I’ve decided to include the ingredients, method and foodie dEATS further up on posts.

There will of course, always be more below, but for those who are hasty to get stuck into baking, here we go!!

Serving Size.

Makes 14 [medium – large sized] cookies.


  • 30g Free Soul Chocolate Protein Powder
  • 60g Oats (ground down to flour)
  • 50g Buckwheat Flour
  • 10g Desiccated Coconut
  • 10g Cocoa Powder
  • 10g Ground Almonds
  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 Egg/ Mashed Banana
  • 40ml Oil
  • 30g Honey/ Agave Nectar


  1. Line a baking tray and pre-heat the oven to 160 degrees.
  2. Using a nutri-bullet, ground down the oats into a fine flour.
  3. Mix all of the dry ingredients.
  4. If you’re using a banana, mash until soft (pop in the microwave if not sweet enough!)
  5. Combine wet ingreidents with dry and mix well.
  6. Using your hands, form the dough into 14 equal sized balls.
  7. Place balls onto your baking tray 2-3cm apart, and using the back of a spoon, flatten the mixture.
  8. Bake for 12-15 minutes.
  9. Enjoy!

Now, back to the words. Some people have asked why I bake so often and, why I use protein in my baking? So I thought I’d address that here.

Firstly, I just really love to bake. I find it therapeutic, relaxing and most importantly fun! It’s one of my favourite past times especially if its a more challenging bake or recipe. It’s quite a mind numbing activity and sometimes, that just what I need.

I’m one of those people who tends to get itchy feet at the thought of doing nothing – I’m your classic busy body!! Baking calms me down and keeps me occupied.

Secondly, why protein in baking?

Well, years ago, I really struggled to get enough protein into my diet and I really hated the taste of protein powders. I tried SO many brands, but they were so grainy and bland but when baked, I found it was more palatable. Luckily, protein quality has improved (thank god) but getting in my daily protein is more fun via a cookie than a shake!

If you’ve been following my blog or Instagram for a while, you’ll know my go-to is Free Soul. Always. Vegan or Whey, both blends are amazing. I’ve used the chocolate one for this particular recipe, but all flavours work so well.

Be sure to check out some of my other recipes for more foodie inspo including, doughnuts, cupcakes, and shortbread!

If you’re after any other foodie ideas, I try to post regularly on my IG so be sure to check that out too!

Happy Eating & Happy Baking!

Amy xo.

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